+39 0578 63704 | info@hotellory.net | WhatsApp




Where we are

The wonderful Tuscan hills, right at half way between Florence and Rome, together with its well-known waters, make Chianciano Terme one of the most famous and important thermal village in Italy. It has been transformed during the past few years into a true city dedicated to health and well-being thanks to the particularly favorable climate and the geographical position. (Freetime and Surroundings).

Lory Hotel & My Wellness Spa is situated in Giuseppe Di Vittorio street, in the central area with easy access to "Sillene" e "Acqua Santa", to "Theia" Thermal Pools and "Terme Sensoriali", but also to “Sant’Elena” water source, sport facilities  and the old town.

How to reach us

By Car: A1 Sun Motorway: exit n°29 Chiusi-Chianciano Terme

By Train: Railway Station of Chiusi-Chianciano Terme

Contact us

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Hotel Lory Chianciano Terme


Viale G. Di Vittorio, 286
53042 Chianciano Terme (Siena)
Toscana - Italy

+39 0578 63704

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Terme di Chianciano

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