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Terme in Chianciano

The Lory Hotel joins the “TERME & OSPITALITA' CON QUALITA' ” protocol and it is a “Terme di Chianciano” partner.
The large spa parks of “Terme di Chianciano” provide water drinking cures for the treatment of liver complaints or to facilitate the digestion.
The Acqua Santa water improves the fundamental bile functions, digestion and the elimination of superfluous and often harmful substances. The Fucoli water improves the severe constipation, helps our digestion and it’s advised to people that suffer from osteoporosis.
Moreover, there are also the advantages offered by the Sillene water with balneotherapy and mudtherapy, causing an antispasmodic effect.

Mud baths using Sillene water are useful also for arthrorheumatic illnesses  (rheumatism, osteoarthritis, arthritis, osteoporosis and other degenerative to reduce pain and improve the joint functions. (It is done in convention with the National Sanitary System).
To  access health spa, in convention with the National Sanitary System, the prescription of the practitioner is needed.  You can follow a 12 water-drinking cures  (consisting of initial medical check-up and 12 Acqua Santa water drinking cures) or a Mud-Balneo-Hydro-Therapy (initial medical check-up at Acqua Santa + 6 Sillene carbon dioxide gas baths + 6 hepatic-zone mud treatments). To do the therapy you must use your bathrobe, undergarment and slippers. If you need, they can sell them to you at the following prices: bathrobe € 2.50, undergarment € 1.50, slippers € 1.50.

These are the diagnosis: “Dyspepsia of gastro enteric and biliary nature” or “Irritable bowel syndrome with constipation”.


Parchi Termali Chianciano Terme
Cure Termali Chianciano
Cure Termali Chianciano
Cure Termali Chianciano


Moreover, there is the Sant’Elena park with its water recommended for the treatment of kidney disorders and affliction of the gastrointestinal system.

The cure consists of 12 water-drinking cures for the diagnosis of “Dyspepsia of gastro enteric and biliary nature” or “Irritable bowel syndrome with constipation”.


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Hotel Lory Chianciano Terme


Viale G. Di Vittorio, 286
53042 Chianciano Terme (Siena)
Toscana - Italy

+39 0578 63704

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Terme di Chianciano

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